Setelah update ALOM, berikut step by step untuk update OBP melalui OS, untuk file OBP nya bisa langsung download disini.

1. Keluarkan semua aplikasi yang sedang berjalan, karena setelah proses selesai system akan direboot otomatis.

2. Login menggunakan super user/root.

3. Buat folder pada ” / ” misalkan;

    # mkdir /OBP
    # cd /OBP

4. Tempatkan File pada direktori /OBP

5. Unzip file

    # unzip

6. Ubah script agar bisa dijalankan

    # chmod a+x

7. Jalankan file :
berikut contoh proses dari script,

   # ./
   Flash Update 2.3: Program and system initialization in progress...
   Mar 19 14:01:43 wgs49-230 ebus: flashprom0 at ebus0: offset 0,0
   Mar 19 14:01:43 wgs49-230 genunix: flashprom0 is 

   Current System Flash PROM Revision:
   OBP 4.10.5 2003/05/22 13:58

   Available System Flash PROM Revision:
   OBP 4.10.10 2003/08/29 06:25

   NOTE: The system will be rebooted (reset) after the firmware has been 
   However, if an error occurs then the system will NOT be rebooted.

   Do you wish to update the firmware in the system Flash PROM? yes/no : yes

   Erasing the top half of the Flash PROM.
   Programming OBP into the top half of the Flash PROM.
   Verifying OBP in the top half of the Flash PROM.

   Erasing the bottom half of the Flash PROM.
   Programming OBP into the bottom half of Flash PROM.
   Verifying OBP in the bottom half of the Flash PROM.

   Erasing the top half of the Flash PROM.
   Programming POST into the top half of Flash PROM.
   Verifying POST in the top half of the Flash PROM.

   The system's Flash PROM firmware has been updated.
   Please wait while the system is rebooted...

8. System akan reboot reboot setelah proses Flash PROM update selesai.


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