Hi guy’s,  berikut step by step update ALOM 1.6.10 untuk server Sun Fire V125, V210, V215, V240, V245, V250, V440, V445 and Netra 210, 240 and 440 servers. Untuk firmwarenya bisa download disini.

1. SSH /telnet kedalam OS menggunakan user root/superuser.
Perhatian: Jangan login menggunakan SERIAL MGT port.

2. Pindah kedalam direktori dibawah ini:

 # cd /usr/platform/`uname -i`/lib

3. Create direktori “images”:

 # mkdir images

4. Masuk kedalam direktori images:

 # cd images

5. Upload file firmware ALOM_1.6.10 kedalam folder images, ALOM_1.6.10_fw_hw0.tar.gz

6. Unpack firmware file:

# gzcat ALOM_1.6.10_fw_hw0.tar.gz | tar xf -

Berikut isi dari file firware ALOM
README (this file)
Legal/ (directory containing Licence, Entitlement and Third Party Readmes)
alombootfw (boot image file)
alommainfw (main image file)

7. Load boot image file alombootfw kedalam system Controller hardware:

 # /usr/platform/`uname -i`/sbin/scadm download boot alombootfw

8. Tunggu proses selesai , berkisar 60 detik.
9. Load main image file alommainfw kedalam system Controller hardware:

# /usr/platform/`uname -i`/sbin/scadm download alommainfw

Waktu yang dibutuhkan sekitar 2 menit setelah proses load boot image.

10. Setelah selesai delete file firmware ALOM:

 # rm ALOM_1.6.10_fw_hw0.tar.gz


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