Integrated Lights-out Manager (ILOM) merupakan console dari server Oracle untuk type seri X & T, di mana memudahkan untuk melakukan memanage server & melakukan troubelshooting, Berikut beberapa command yang sering digunakan saat console.
Login commands
-> start /SP/console -- start the SP-console -> show /SP/sessions -- see the currently active sessions -> stop /SP/console -- to stop any user session
Start & stop system
-> start /SYS (start system) -> stop [-force] /SYS (stop system) -> show /SYS (shows the power status) -> reset /SYS (reset host) -> reset /SP (reset ILOM SP) -> set /HOST send_break_action=break (send break signal to the OS) -> reset /CMM (to reset CMM on a blade Chassis)
Locator commands
Set the locator on / off
-> set /SYS LOCATE=on -> set /SYS LOCATE=off
Networking Commands
Melihat konfigurasi network ILOM
-> show /SP/network
Setting IP address ILOM
-> set pendingipdiscovery=static -> set pendingipaddress= -> set pendingipnetmask= -> set pendingipgateway= -> set commitpending=true
Melihat MAC address SP
show /SP/network macaddress
User administration
-> show /SP/users (Display all the ILOM users) -> show /SP/user/admin (Display configuration settings of a specific user) -> create /SP/users/user_name password=PWD role=[administrator|operator] (create new user) -> delete /SP/users/username (Delete a user) -> set /SP/users/admin01 role=administrator (set the role of a user) -> set /SP/users/admin01 (set or change password of user)
Monitoring and logs
-> show /SP/logs/event/list (ILOM event log) -> show -level all -output table /SP/faultmgmt (List all hardware faults) -> show -level all -output table /SYS type==Temperature value (List all temperature sensor readings)
hardware info
-> show -level all -output table /SYS type==DIMM (show DIMMS) -> show -level all -output table /SYS type=='Host Processor' (show CPUs) -> show -l all /SYS type=='Hard Disk' (show disks)