Untuk para engineer yang baru pegang console XSCF di SUN M5000, berikut how to untuk konfig XSCF & membuat domain. Gunakan kabel console satt pertama kali power on.

1. Membuat User

XSCF> adduser eis-installer
XSCF> setprivileges eis-installer platadm useradm auditadm fieldeng
XSCF> password eis-installer
New XSCF password:
BAD PASSWORD: it is based on a dictionary word
Retype new XSCF password:

2. Melihat User yang ada;
XSCF> showuser -l

3. Settime Zone

XSCF> settimezone -c settz -s Asia/Jakarta

4.Set IP dscp

XSCF> setdscp
DSCP network [ ] > 192,.168.224.0
DSCP netmask [ ] >

XSCF address [ ] >
Domain #00 address [ ] >
Domain #01 address [ ] >
Domain #02 address [ ] >
Domain #03 address [ ] >
Commit these changes to the database? [y|n] : y

XSCF> setnetwork xscf#0-lan#0 -m
XSCF> sethostname xscf#0 myServer-sc0
XSCF> sethostname -d myDomain.com
XSCF> setnameserver
XSCF> setroute -c add -n -g xscf#0-lan#0
XSCF> applynetwork

XSCF> setssh -c enable

XSCF> rebootxscf
The XSCF will be reset. Continue? [y|n] :y
execute J00shutdown_start  —  complete

login: eis-installer
Login incorrect

login: eis-installer
XSCF> version -c xcp
XSCF#0 (Active )
XCP0 (Current): 1101
XCP1 (Reserve): 1101

XSCF> showboards -a
XSB  DID(LSB) Assignment  Pwr  Conn Conf Test    Fault
—- ——– ———– —- —- —- ——- ——–
00-0 00(00)   Assigned    n    n    n    Unknown Normal
01-0 00(01)   Assigned    n    n    n    Unknown Normal

XSCF> showdcl -a
DID   LSB   XSB   Status
00                Powered Off
00    00-0
01    01-0

XSCF> deleteboard -c unassign 01-0
XSB#01-0 will be unassigned from domain immediately. Continue?[y|n] :y
XSCF> showdcl -a
DID   LSB   XSB   Status
00                Powered Off
00    00-0
01    01-0

XSCF> showboards -a
XSB  DID(LSB) Assignment  Pwr  Conn Conf Test    Fault
—- ——– ———– —- —- —- ——- ——–
00-0 00(00)   Assigned    n    n    n    Unknown Normal
01-0 SP       Unavailable n    n    n    Unknown Normal

XSCF> showdcl -a
DID   LSB   XSB   Status
00                Powered Off
00    00-0
01    01-0

XSCF> setdcl -d 00 -r 01

XSCF> showdcl -a
DID   LSB   XSB   Status
00                Powered Off
00    00-0

XSCF> setdcl -d 01 -a 00=01-0
XSCF> showdcl -a
DID   LSB   XSB   Status
00                Powered Off
00    00-sho
01                Powered Off
00    01-0

XSCF> showboards -a
XSB  DID(LSB) Assignment  Pwr  Conn Conf Test    Fault
—- ——– ———– —- —- —- ——- ——–
00-0 00(00)   Assigned    n    n    n    Unknown Normal
01-0 SP       Unavailable n    n    n    Unknown Normal

XSCF> addboard -c assign -d 01 01-0
XSB#01-0 will be assigned to DomainID 1. Continue?[y|n] :y
XSCF> showboards -a
XSB  DID(LSB) Assignment  Pwr  Conn Conf Test    Fault
—- ——– ———– —- —- —- ——- ——–
00-0 00(00)   Assigned    n    n    n    Unknown Normal
01-0 01(00)   Assigned    n    n    n    Unknown Normal

XSCF> setdomainmode -d 0 -m autoboot=off
Diagnostic Level    :min        -> –
Secure Mode         :on         -> –
Autoboot            :on         -> off
CPU Mode            :auto       -> –
The specified modes will be changed.
Continue? [y|n] :y
Diagnostic Level    :min
Secure Mode         :on (host watchdog: available  Break-signal:non-receive)
Autoboot            :off (autoboot:off)
CPU Mode            :auto
XSCF> setdomainmode -d 1 -m autoboot=off
Diagnostic Level    :min        -> –
Secure Mode         :on         -> –
Autoboot            :on         -> off
CPU Mode            :auto       -> –
The specified modes will be changed.
Continue? [y|n] :y
Diagnostic Level    :min
Secure Mode         :on (host watchdog: available  Break-signal:non-receive)
Autoboot            :off (autoboot:off)
CPU Mode            :auto

XSCF> poweron -d 0
DomainIDs to power on:00
Continue? [y|n] :y
00 :Powering on

This command only issues the instruction to power-on.
The result of the instruction can be checked by the “showlogs power”.

XSCF> console -d 0
Connect to DomainID 0?[y|n] :y
POST Sequence 01 CPU Check
POST Sequence 02 Banner
LSB#00 (XSB#00-0): POST 2.15.0 (2010/10/06 14:23)
POST Sequence 03 Fatal Check
POST Sequence 04 CPU Register
POST Sequence 05 STICK
POST Sequence 06 MMU
POST Sequence 07 Memory Initialize
POST Sequence 08 Memory


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