Setting Jumpstart Solaris 10

Jumpstart bisanya digunakan untuk melakukan installasi Solaris dengan menggunakan media network (over network), berikut cara untuk setting server untuk jump start; 1. Create directory mkdir /export/install/ 2. cd sol_10_910_sparc/Solaris_10/Tools/ bash-3.00# cd sol_10_910_sparc/Solaris_10/Tools/bash-3.00# lsadd_install_client    dial                  rm_install_clientBoot                  Installers            setup_install_serverbash-3.00# ./setup_install_server /export/install/ 3.buat folder lagi di /export/config/mgsmgs = nama server nya 4 create Read more…

Setting Quad Domain di XSCF SUN M5000

XSCF> showboards -aXSB  DID(LSB) Assignment  Pwr  Conn Conf Test    Fault—- ——– ———– —- —- —- ——- ——–00-0 SP       Unavailable n    n    n    Unknown Normal00-1 SP       Unavailable n    n    n    Unknown Normal00-2 SP       Unavailable n    n    n    Unmount Normal00-3 SP       Unavailable n    n    n    Unmount Normal01-0 SP       Unavailable n    n    n    Read more…

Solaris 10 Network Config

The procedure below shows how to setup the IP address for the Intel e1000 Network Interface in Solaris 10: 1. Edit /etc/hostname.nxge0 and add the IP address and Netmask:
# vi /etc/hostname.nxge0
Format: IP-address netmask + netmask
Example: netmask + 2. Edit /etc/inet/hosts and /etc/inet/ipnodes
Add IP-address hostname
Example: test-server 3. Check Read more…